

You can install OptiMask using pip:

pip install optimask

Optimask is also available on the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge optimask
mamba install optimask

Basic Usage#

To use OptiMask, you can create an instance of the OptiMask class and apply the solve method to find the optimal rows and columnsfor a given 2D array or DataFrame. Here’s a basic example:

from optimask import OptiMask
import numpy as np

# Create a matrix with NaN values
m = 120
n = 7
data = np.zeros(shape=(m, n))
data[24:72, 3] = np.nan
data[95, :5] = np.nan

# Solve for the largest submatrix without NaN values
rows, cols = OptiMask().solve(data)

# Print the results
print(f"Optimal Rows: {rows}")
print(f"Optimal Columns: {cols}")

For more detailed information on the parameters and usage, refer to the API reference.


The source code of the package is available at CyrilJl/OptiMask.